Recent Activity

  1. The IT Integrity repair vessel arrived at the ice-standby location nearby Wainwright on Tuesday August 15th.
  2. Sea ice conditions have prevented further transit and repair operations – current forecasts indicate a possible window to transit to the site and begin repair operations on Tuesday August 22nd.
  3. Quintillion has previously retained a dedicated forecasting team analyzing available weather and ice data every day and will continue to adjust the plan based on conditions and outlook.
  4. See below National Weather Service sea ice concentration map from August 16th with the vessel standby position and approximate location of the fiber break identified. Note that sea ice has pinched off access beyond Wainwright and is also present nearby the fiber break location. Forecasts indicate a possible access window next Tuesday.
  5. Necessary permits and authorizations have been received and the required vessel specialist crew and cable station personnel are standing by to support cable repair and service restoration activities. We have ground operations teams present or soon to be present at network end points.
  6. Current estimate to restore fiber broadband services is August 28-30, assuming safe access to begin final transit to the repair location on the 22nd.
National Weather Service sea ice concentration map
National Weather Service Sea Ice Concentration Map
Repair Ops. Date
Depart Dutch Harbor. AKAugust 10
Arrive Wainwright, AKAugust 15
Waiting on sea ice (Holding based on ice forecasts)Current
Depart Wainwright, AKAugust 22
Arrive repair site (Prudhoe Bay, AK)August 23
Repair completionAugust 23-30
Depart repair siteAugust 30